Full Scale Wedding Planning Services
These are, in a nutshell, the services we offer. We would be delighted to discuss further what your specific needs are and tailor a customised offer. Please drop us a line!

So, here's the plan. We propose to plan your wedding, that is to help you produce and put in place this special event. Our little black book of outstanding suppliers never ceases to grow, along with our solid expertise and field experience. We believe that wedding planning is a collaboration of ideas, and we are excited to find ways to execute them.

Planning Cont.
From the ceremony to the feast along with the party, we want to use our skills to help create amazing memories, and the how to logistically make them happen. We have the experience of over 100 weddings to say that we know our way around a proper celebration, and that we have what it takes for it to play out flawlessly.

Because you can’t be in 2 places at once...: It is that one day in your life where time simply flies by. Whilst you’re getting your hair and make-up done, your family is expecting you to give them all the attention, and you haven’t finished writing your vows... Meanwhile, the caterer, DJ and photographer are showing up all at once and need someone to brief them so that they can get sorted and start working. So much to do, and so little time!

Coordinating Cont.
Take a breath, you have hired a wedding coordinator, and you couldn’t have dreamt of a better person to get things under control. The set-up of the chairs and decor, the arrival and setting up of your suppliers, the welcoming of your guests... She will even bring you some champagne on her way to updating you on the wedding preparations.

Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat: We can also help you style your wedding: lighting, props, decor... Some might call them ‘stuff from the attic’, we call them treasures!

Styling Cont.
We know where and how to source props for your wedding. And if we don’t, well, we will find a way!